Thursday 14 June 2012

JOUR 1111 Lecture 12: What's in it For Me?

In our last lecture, we listened to guest speaker Steve Mulkington (I am certain I have mis-spelt his name... sorry), one of Australia's most popular entertainment 'bloggers'. Not only did he tell us about his own experiences in the business, but also the various opportunities we have as young journalists

He stressed that we have more ways of expressing ourselves then ever before. Obviously the internet is a main one - Facebook, twitter, blogging, all of these outlets for discussion, if you like, give everyone a chance to say what they think.

For people like us, trying to get jobs out of what we think, Steve said that we need to focus on the 'how'.

The following are a couple of things that Steve said that resonated with me:

"You all have opinions on stuff, it just about HOW you communicate that core message."
"The way we understand how our information is presented to us, whether it's ratings, whether it's what's communicated to us through news... it's going to impact on the type of writers and journalists we become." 
This whole journalism course has been a blast. I have learnt skills that I honestly think will stick with me for the rest of my life, irrespective of whether I end up working as a journalist or not.

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